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Opinionated and Persistent - a terrible combination.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fuck My Life!

So, all summer I have been so excited because I was most likely going to get to see my friend Eric in E-Town. His soccer team needed one more win to get to E-town in August, but Eric's ankle was injured and he couldn't PLAY. What the fuck? It's not his fault, clearly, but it's kind of devastating. Nothing is working out the way I want it to this summer. First, Warped tour was destroyed by my sisters excessive spending, then I couldn't even stay the night in E-Town after the concert, I didn't get hired at Staples, and now I don't get to see Eric.

I have nothing left to look forward to. Life sucks, and then you die. At least I have friends in Cold Lake this summer, I mean besides Brenna :S Because she lives so far out I can't see her very much, man I miss that girl! Note to self : Call Brenna to chill this week before she goes to B.C.

Well, I guess this will be the last entry of the day, as it is the fourth. I can see why people are addicted to these things. I guess I am going for BLOGGER OF THE YEAR! represent, represent!

Peace Out Party People.

1 comment:

megandurnford said...

oh hello
soccer is bomb
and life is worth living
I love you dooollll