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Opinionated and Persistent - a terrible combination.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Those Watermelon Smiles Just Can't Ripen Under Water.

"The men all played to marching drums;
and boy did they have fun,
behind the sea"

I apologize for not posting in awhile. Though my life has not been exactly hectic I have still been going through a-lot. The first month of school has been an emotional roller coaster for me. Now I have finally stabilized though and now I am ready to blog once again.

I am going to continue with my "crusade" to get more Canadian shows from the great bands - not just the genres I am fond of, but all music. It's all art, and it all needs representation. I will be organizing arguments and sending e-mails and letters to the right companies and I hope I get something. When I get addresses to the people I will post it so you can get involved too!

I guess I should go to bed though, so I will post tomorrow.

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