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Opinionated and Persistent - a terrible combination.

Friday, August 1, 2008


So, apparently nobody ever plays in Alberta, which really pisses me off. So I fired off this e-mail to Decaydance.

To whom it may concern:

I am a teenage girl who currently lives in Cold Lake, Alberta. I am also a huge fan of most of the bands signed by Decaydance. It has come to my attention that Sassyback tour dates are out, and once more the only Canadian shows are in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. This has been happening with EVERY show featuring Decaydance signed bands ever since I can remember.

I am seeking information on why this province, one of the best off in Canada doesn't have access to the music it wants and deserves. I know so many people who want to see Cobra Starship, The Academy Is..., Panic At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, Tyga, Gym Class Heroes, The Hush Sound and so many others, but can't because it is ridiculously expensive to travel all the way to Vancouver just to see a band. And yes, I know that the Hush Sound has played in Edmonton before, but now that they are getting a bigger fanbase, I'll just bet they aren't coming back.

It is truly not fair that the people of Alberta do not get to enjoy the music of Decaydance (and pretty much every other American labels) groups, and I think it would be a good idea to change that. I would love if you could get back to me on this, as it is of high importance to me. Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Kirsten MacInnis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Safe! Tres bon for you taking a stand. Hopefully that letter will make a stance. *Fingers crossed* You've got a great blog. If you have a time &+ want to; hit me back sometime. :)