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Opinionated and Persistent - a terrible combination.

Monday, January 26, 2009

My Rant.

I will be updating later on tonight or tomorrow morning after I research my next blogging topic so stay tuned for that.

Who are you? You seem to be stalking both me and one of my teachers. Are you a Robert Munsch book fanatic? Or someone who lives in Canada?
We're dying to find out who you are, why stay anonymous?

Happy reading, I hope you enjoy my next post (I think you will)

Farewell for now.

- Kirsten


Anonymous said...

So taking interest in ones work is being a fanatic?
Is it that hard to believe that maybe it was just due to an odd cosmic coincidence that I decided to comment on you and your teachers blog?
How do you know this was a cognitive choice?
As for my decision to use an alias, I have a theory about anonymity. I believe it brings out the honesty in everybody. I like to stay honest, therefore I use an alias. Some may call it being cowardly but I like to think its just " Keeping it real"
And nice tags btw, good way to loose a fanbase XD

Kirsten said...

I really don't mind.
It just seemed a little bizarre.
Did I use the word fanatic?
I'm just surprised someone actually reads this.

Anonymous said...

Haha sorry?
Should I stop reading and commenting then?

Kirsten said...

Oh no I don't mind.
I was talking to my teacher and he asked if it was me!